Contact Us! Lets discuss your proposed bespoke polished concrete project.
Want a worktop quote or any other bespoke concrete design enquiries?

Please read our FAQ's and we will contact you shortly if you can supply us with:
1. Your address/Postcode, indicate what floor level worktop to be located on?
2. A plan view drawing or sketch with dimensions (length, depth and thickness) displaying the layout of the proposed worktop.
3. indicative information on size and shape of all cut-outs required for sinks, sloping drainers, taps, hobs/ranges, downdraft extractors, overhangs for stool seating etc.
4. Your ideal installation date.
Click here to send Junior an email or call him on: +44(0)7956 682887

We aim to get back to you within 24hours. We are a small company and our focus is on quality so sometimes may take a little longer if we are on-site, but we will get back to you!


Please read our FAQ's page before completing the enquiry form.

*required field.
How did you hear about us.*

Give a brief description of what you require and we will contact you to discuss further.*

Send file(s) if required (pdf or image only) There is a maximum file size limit of 20Mb, if your files exceed this size you can email the remaining files here. Please state your name and telephone number.

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